Dear all,
Find the information on dumps and errors in process controls,mainly these issues with missing configuration,missing authorization.
Hope its helpful.
1.Case Management
SPRO->Governance, Risk and Compliance->Process Control->Cases->Check Customizing for Case Management
Types of errors:
- Throws a dump “ASSERTION_FAILED CL_GRFN_API_IDENT=============CP”when opening controls in organization under master data
- We cannot open any Ad-Hoc Issues from My Homework center.
- Throws a error with “GRFN_ENTITY_API:102” when schedule automated monitoring job
Solution: The entries should be green for case management, if not transport them
SPRO->SAP Net Weaver->Application Server->Basis Services->Case Management->Set Status Administration->Create Status Profile and
SPRO->SAP Net Weaver->Application Server->Basis Services->Case Management->Define Case Types
Check Note 1526732 - Transfer client-specific Customizing
2.Configure Email Inbound Process
SPRO->Governance, Risk and Compliance->Process Control-> Offline Work Process -> Configure Email Inbound Process
Type of error:Job GRFN_OWP_SUB_JOB_SENDER for Offline Working Process throws error
“Assertion failed" dump in class CL_GRFN_OWP_Deliver”
Solution: SPRO->Governance, Risk and Compliance->Process Control-> Offline Work Process -> Configure Email Inbound Process
Insert a row with Communication Type as Internet mail.
Enter a valid Email Address in the recipient address column.
Enter the document class as "*".
Enter the Exit name - "CL_GRFN_OWP_DELIVER".
Enter the call sequence.Save the settings.
Note: Assign email id to all users who will be receiving notifications.
3.Maintain Entity Role Assignment
SPRO->Governance, Risk and Compliance-> General Settings -> Authorizations -> Maintain Entity Role Assignment
Type of error: While submitting Ad Hoc issues, throws dump “The ASSERT condition was violated”
Solution: SPRO->Governance, Risk and Compliance-> General Settings -> Authorizations -> Maintain Entity Role Assignment
Click "New Entries"
Select the Entity " G_AI"
Select check box "Unique"
SPRO->Governance, Risk and Compliance->Process Control-> Scoping
Type of error: 1.Throws dump “CL_GRFN_API_TIMEFRAME=========CP”while creating account group in master data
2.Throws dump “CL_GRFN_API_TIMEFRAME=========CP”while running the MDUG (Master Data Upload Generator)
in order to upload a template
Solution: SPRO->Governance, Risk and Compliance->Process Control-> Scoping-> Maintain Scoping Materiality Analysis Frequency
5.Missing authorization
Type of error: Throws dumps “CL_GRFN_API_IDENT=============CP“for master data change reviewer in work inbox
Solution: Approver should have DISPLAY Authorization to the entity CONTROL and XCONTROL
6.In Programs
Type of error: Execution of program GRFN_CHECK_CDF ends with dump “ASSERTION_FAILED”
Solution: T code: SM30;
Inform T7771 as the Table/View and click on Maintain;
Select the custom info type used in the CDFs;
Click on Time Constraint on the Left Side Panel;
Make sure that Time Constraint field has value 2 or 3. Value 1 cannot be used in GRC;
If necessary, change the value of Time Constraint and save.
Type of error: program GRPC_MASS_PROCESS_ASSIGNMENT throws dump
Solution: While executing the program GRPC_MASS_PROCESS_ASSSIGNMENT, make sure
that the organization unit used here is not locked.