Hello GRC Mates,
When Roles are imported into BRM, the message that we like to read on the monitor is: All Roles are imported successfully.
But, sometimes we get to see errors when the Roles are imported into BRM. In this document, Please find some of the common issues along with solutions here.
Error No: 1
While uploading roles through the NWBC via Role Import in Role Mass Maintenance, you receive the following error:
You need to increase the Max Length for Single (SIN) and Derived (DRD) roles at the following path: SPRO -> IMG -> Governance, Risk and Compliance ->Access Control ->Role Management >Maintain Role Type Settings >Specify Maximum Length for Role Type.
Set the Max Length to the desired value and then try to import the roles.
Error No: 2
While Importing roles through the NWBC via Role Import, if you receive the following error:
- This error occurs due to missing Text ID for SAP Script Object 'GRC' in the transaction SE75
- To Solve this kind of issue:
- 1. Go to transaction SE75.
- 2. Select "Text objects and IDs"
- 3. Click on Display button
- 4. Select 'GRC' as Object and then click on 'Text IDs'.
- 5. There should be an entry for 'Text ID' as 'LTXT' with description as 'LONG TEXT'.
Error No: 3
While Importing Composite roles through the NWBC via Role Import, if you receive the following error:
- In order to Import the Composite Roles in BRM, you need to ensure that its Child Roles (Single Roles) exists in the system.
- First, import all the Child roles and then try Re-Importing the Composite Role in the system which will remove the error message and upload the Composite role successfully.
Error No: 4
While Importing roles through the NWBC via Role Import, if you receive the following error:
- Ensure that the Single master roles exist in the system.
- Try importing the single master roles first
- Also ensure the parent/child role relation is entered within the import sheet correctly.
Error No: 5
While Importing roles through the NWBC via Role Import, if you receive the following error:
- This error is due to uploading roles with t-code which does not exist in dictionary
- Remove the t-code from role before import, otherwise validation will not allow for import.
Error No: 6
- While uploading roles through the NWBC via Role Import in Role Mass Maintenance, if you receive the following error:
- Implement the SAP Note No :1741807 - BRM Role Import error LONG_TEX does not exist
Everyone is free to correct the mistakes in this and
Add more issues of this type into the document.
Deepak M