Recently, I came across with an unique issue where I was not able to transport the SoD rule set across the clients.
While creating the Transport Request as Customized, the system was throwing an error and so asking to create the Transport Request as Workbench Request (I understand, you all would be amazed the same way as I got). It doesn't really require creating WB-TR to transport SoD across clients but just to give it a try, I created the same (WB-TR), then the system started behaving in strange way, It didn't even allow me to enter the WB-TR.
After a couple of try over the same and struggling for it and in absence of any supportive solutions over SDN/SCN/Google, decided to reach-out to SAP.
They provided the SAP Note: , but this was applicable to the system version; GRCFND_A - SP14 and SAPNW 740 with version11 and as I was on version10, so couldn't apply the same and then requested SAP to provide the compatible note which I got today and in fact, released as of toady. The SAP Note: 1991730 - Not able to create transport for SoD Rules after upgrading to NW 740 SP04 AC 10.0 (…). So, now fianlly able to rectify the original issue with the Transport SoD rule-sets.
Thinking of this could be new/helpful to others, I am sharing this to you.
Ameet Kumar