SAP Fraud Management Release 1.1 SP02, powered by SAP HANA, has been released as of February 10, 2014 together with a new solution, SAP Audit Management, powered by SAP HANA.
SAP Fraud Management, in General Availability since September 2013, and SAP Audit Management, in General Availability as of February 10, 2014, share infrastructure and can use one another's features. The solutions offer advanced HTML5 user interfaces that have been designed together with users for efficiency and user-friendliness. The modular infrastructure shared by the applications makes it possible to extend them. For example, SAP Fraud Management can be extended to address customer-specific fraud scenarios. The ability of SAP HANA to offer real-time analysis of large volumes of data allows new approaches to assurance and compliance issues.
The two solutions belong for technical reasons to a new product, SAP Assurance and Compliance Software. In a previous version of this blog, this product was incorrectly accorded a higher status than it actually has. The product provides an organizational wrapper for the SAP Fraud Management and SAP Audit Management solutions. Installation and upgrade guides and installation components in the Service Marketplace and SAP Maintenance Optimizer appear under the product name SAP Assurance and Compliance Software. Actually licensable and directly usable are the two solutions, SAP Fraud Management and SAP Audit Management. The two solutions can be used together or separately.
The solutions of SAP Assurance and Compliance are integrated with SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance. SAP Fraud Management, for example, can create a corresponding ad-hoc issue in SAP GRC Process Control (GRC-SPC) when a fraud alert is closed with the finding 'Proven Fraud'.
The solutions can be deployed on-premise as well as in the cloud.