Introduction to Application
An Application object serves as a container which holds all the BRFPlus objects that is built to solve a particular business task.
In order to create a new application go to. The screen below will pop-up
Properties of Application
While Creating the Application, the following details needs to be defined.
1. General Data and
2. Application
In General Data NAME, SHORT TEXT and TEXT has to be defined.
The Field NAME is Language Dependent unlike the fields TEXT and SHORT TEXT.
Once the General Data is defined, application data needs to be defined.
Storage types in Application
While creating an application, we need to define the storage type. There are three storage types. They are:
1. Master Data
2. Customizing and
3. System
Basing on the storage types, if a new object is created in BRFPlus Application, it inherits its storage type based on the application in which it is created.
Storage types Customizing and Master Data are client dependent whereas System is Client Independent.
Storage type Customizing and System are transportable whereas Master Data is Local.
If the flag Create Local Application is selected, the application and its objects are restricted to local system usage only and their objects cannot be transported to other systems.
Development Package
Development Package will act as a container that holds object logically belonging to each other.
When the storage type is selected as Master data, The flag for Create Local Application is greyed out and it can’t be selected Since Master data is not transportable.
BRFplus offers a local application TMP. The Purpose of TMP is to create objects for temporary use cases only.
Software Component
The software component describes a set of development objects that can only be delivered in a single unit. You should assign all the sub-packages of the main package to this software component.
Once the Application is created, we will get a screen like this. In this screen, the following Application Properties can be defined. They are:
1. General and
2. Details
Application Properties - Detail
In Detail, the following tabs provides various properties for Application.
Properties Tab - An Introduction
The properties tab contains the following fields.
Apart from Development package and Software component, Application component and Application exit class fields are also available.
Application Component is not BRF+ Specific but will be useful in categorizing when building a package or raising a OSS message to SAP.
Application Exit Class will be used to implement additional functionality with methods of an ABAP Class.
Default Settings Tab - An Introduction
Application Log Objects provides a method to use a standard logging facility for all of your custom ABAP programs. It consists of several transaction codes, tables, and function modules. By using the SAP functionality, it is possible to have a standard way to store error messages, making the handling of errors much simpler, and increasing the maintainability of code.
Important transaction codes related to Application Log Objects are:
- SLG0 - Create a new Log Object and Sub object
- SLG1 - Display Application Log
- SLG2– Delete the Application Log
Application Log Sub-Objects Will help in further classifying the Application Log Object.
The Flag will Control whether the log data shall be permanently stored in the database or not. If not, log data is only kept in memory during run time and is lost after the session.
Default Enforcement will define what degree of compulsion the objects within the application have to follow the application-wide default setting concerning application log.
Versioning of Assigned Objects allows you to track the changes that have been done to a BRFplus object over time. It is based on the timestamp that the system assigns to objects when they are saved and activated.
These are the following options available in Versioning Mode
You can define whether newly created objects are put under version control or not by default. This default setting is done on application level and affects all objects that are created in the scope of that application.
Default Language Settings allows you to define if the dependency of text and document depends on Language or Version or Language and Version and None of them.
Contained Objects Tab - An Introduction
Contained Objects will display the list of Objects that are available in the application.
The field Type is basically defined as drop down which displays the following objects in that specific application.
Miscellaneous Tab - An Introduction
In Miscellaneous, there is only one field Restart Rulesets Enabled with Flag Option.
This is used in case of Deferred Ruleset Processing.
We can define exit conditions for a ruleset to stop processing at a defined point in the process if a condition is fulfilled. In Some cases, the Processing might stop in between due to lack of availability of data. So, If the option Restart Rulesets Enabled is selected, then the Process starts from the place where it stopped rather than from the beginning.
Hope this helps to have some clarity on options in Application for BrfPlus. Additions and Subtractions to this blog is most welcome.
Deepak M