This is a weekly blog that will have the 5 last SAP Notes of Access Control corrections released to customer by SAP!
1 - 2290322 - UAM: Missing Reviewer Agent for Notification purpose in UAR and SOD workflow configuration
Open the MSMP configuration and select the process type for UAR or SOD. Go to the Maintain Agents tab.Reviewer agent is missing for notification purpose in UAR and SOD Process type.
2 - 2294014 - HANA role does not get saved in the target system
If a HANA role is created through Access Control (Role Maintenance), the role is not saved in the target system. How should the role methodology be configured for HANA roles?
3- 2229853 - GRC and S/4HANA oP: compatibility information
You want to use GRC with S/4HANA on-Premise (oP). Which points do you need to consider?
4 - 2266192 - Truncation of Firefighter ID Description
The Description of Fire Fighter Object is getting truncated.
5 - 2291174 - AC10.X Incorrect column name in generated permission rules table
Incorrect column name in the permission rule table while generating rules
after creation of access risks.
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Rafael Guimbala