This is a weekly blog that will have the 5 last SAP Notes of Access Control corrections released to customer by SAP!
1 - 2275603 - Existing User Assignment GRC Web Service GRAC_IDM_USER_BUSROLE_DETAIL
Symptom:A New webservice GRAC_USER_ASSIGN_BUSRL_WS has been created for existing user assignment for business role .The web service works for user id * and provide business role as well technical roles.
2 - 2275031 - 10.1: Change delegation link cannot be hidden if only AC application is active
Symptom: .It is not possible to hide change delegation link on the NWBC page, if only AC application is active in IMG and only AC delegation functionality is being used.
3 - 2244581 - GRACACTUS archiving session terminates with SAPSQL_SQLS_INVALID_CURSOR error
Symptoms: The user schedules an write job with the GRACACTUS archiving object. The internal session terminated with the following runtime error: SAPSQL_SQLS_INVALID_CURSOR.
Symptom: The EAM report output shows blank when executing the report 'Transaction Log and Session Details' by selecting ‘Critical Transaction only’ parameter.
5 - 2273497 - Consolidate Note for Greenlight adapter and GRC integration
Symptom: The purpose of this article is provide a central point for direct text finding on note titles of GRC Access Control and Greenlight Integration.
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Rafael Guimbala