This is a weekly blog that will have the 5 last SAP Notes of Access Control corrections released to customer by SAP!
1 - 2269665 - Central Controller is misspelled in the Access Control Owners screen
Symptom:Open NWBC and go to the Setup tab. Click on the Access Control Owners link. The spelling of the Central Controller is wrong on the screen.
2 - 2171822 - SAP GRC Access Control - standard SOD rules for SRM Webdynpro Application
Symptom: .SAP has extended scope of running risk analysis to analyze Webdypro Applications. This is enhanced with SP06 of GRC 10.1. Refer to SAP Note 2048207 for more details.With this, SAP GRC SOD standard rules library is also now enhanced with SRM Webdynpro application rules.
3 - 2276030 - UAM: Completed requests are still having pending approver in the instance status
Symptoms: Search for an approved request from the administration and click on instance status. Check the pending approvers at the selected path. The instance status is showing pending approvers even for the approved requests.
4 - 2278287 - Error message text not displayed in Validity dialog in Mitigated Users dashboard
Symptom: In NWBC -> Access Management -> Mitigated Access -> Mitigated Users -> Validity change dialog, if Mitigation Control is not valid the exclamation mark appears alone, without an error message text.
5 - 2278377 - Violation Comparisons dashboard report shows invalid comparison data
Symptom: You use the Violation Comparison report. Define an arbitrary criteria set and press 'Go' button. The diagram on the right-hand side shows invalid values for Comparison.
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Rafael Guimbala